I write reviews / key points summaries from books that I enjoyed the most.
Many smart and intelligent people say: "You need to read a lot". Why read a lot?
- "Keep your brain on a healthy diet: at least one day a week, disconnect from work; read a lot, it doesn't matter what, just read; give up cheap dopamine: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube", Daniel Gross.
- "A really good book costs $10-$20 and can change your life. I don't think you should skimp on books. I didn't skimp on books even when money was tight. I always spent money on books", Naval Ravikant.
- "It almost doesn't matter what you read. If you read constantly, sooner or later you'll read enough that your interest will lead you to topics that are really important to you and will radically change your life", Naval Ravikant
- "I just sit in my office and read all day", Warren Buffett
- Website with book recommendations from Bill Gates.